Samhain - Hallowmas - All Saints Day
- Please enter my home where any day can be Halloween -
- My House of Many Mansions -
- First Stop -
- Level 3 -
Will you be able to recognize reality from illusion? Are you sure?
Feeling haunted by something or someone in your past? Haunted by bad dreams?
Release those feelings now or they will follow you forever!
If you feel that
you will never succeed.

Do you have any 'skeletons in your closet'?
Perhaps you have unfinished business with someone on the other side?
Close your eyes - if your dare . . .
See the spirit in your mind - or confront it in the place it haunts you.
Accept forgiveness from it -
or ask for forgiveness for that which troubles you.
Help the Spirit.
you will feel better and be able to move on.

Looking to ascend into your light body?
to fly away and be free?
to release your demons?
to be One with the Flame of Creation?
Let that day be today!
Is there a part of your personality that holds you back?
robs you of your freedom?
makes you see yourself as ugly?
Put your finger on your DELETE KEY now and get rid of it forever!
Feeling Grim?
Please get professional help!
Planet Earth may have too many challenges for you at this time!

Are you unable to see Spirits?
You may be using the wrong eyes.
Try closing your physical eyes then
watching the screen in your mind
that is just behind them.

Trying to create the Perfect Man?
Make sure you know what you are asking for?
"Hello Frank!"

Is someone around you always 'stirring the pot'?
Move away from that person or your energies will get depleted!
Do you feel that someone has put a 'spell' on you -
causing endless problems in your life -
especially in finding love?
You could see the energy of the spell reversed -
sent back to that person.
You could ask your guides to protect you -
thus seeing the energies disappear.
You can come to realized that though the
'dark forces'
may exist for some -
why do they not affect others?
Could it be that they know how to balance out
the daily amounts of negativity we all encounter?
Could it be that they don't play the drama game?
Could it be that they remove themselves from
those that would be detrimental to them?
Could it be that they place themselves in
higher light frequencies
above which the negative lower frequencies
can not exist -
where souls are able to function?
You could simply surround yourself in white light energy -
where no one can hurt you.
It works ever time.
Is your life going in circles?
Do you feel like you are going nowhere?
Take some time for yourself to see
what your soul really wants -
and is really telling you.
Find the best scenario -
then manifest it.
The Festival of Samhain
Although it has changed a great deal over the
centuries, the ancient Celtic (Irish, Scottish,
Welsh) festival called Samhain is considered by many
to be a predecessor of our contemporary Halloween.
The Celtic peoples called the time between
Samhain (pronounced "SOW-in" in Ireland, SOW-een in
Wales, "SAV-en" in Scotland or even "SAM-haine" in
non Gaelic speaking countries) and Brigid's Day "the
period of little sun." Thus, Samhain is often named
the "Last Harvest" or "Summer's End".

Samhain was the New Year's Day of the Celts,
celebrated on 1 November. It was also a day of the
dead, a time when, it was believed, the souls of
those who had died during the year were allowed
access to the land of the dead. It was a time when
spirits were believed to be wandering.
The festival also was related to the season: by
Samhain, the crops should be harvested and animals
brought in from the distant fields.

It was both the first day of the new year and the
first day of winter. As a point of transition in the
annual calendar, a great many beliefs and rituals
were associated with the day. The gates that
separated the worlds of the living and the dead, of
this world and the next, were down and the souls of
those who had died during the year were allowed
entry to the other world.
Bonfires were lit on Samhain, some say to light
the way for the spirits, others say to keep them
away from peoples homes. With the belief in the
wandering spirits of the dead came the custom of
preparing offerings of special foods, and of
dressing as spirits and wild animals.
We can only guess at the connections people made
between the harvest of crops, the slaughter of
animals, and the death of human beings in the cycle
of life; or between lighting fires at the onset of
winter and the increasing darkness, between
mimicking the wandering souls and respecting them,
and between the ritualized and stylized offering of

Samhain was the time of year when the world began
to sleep for winter, a celebration of death of some
things and the beginning of the long night, or
winter. Some believe that there were rituals and
traditions to help the living pass through this time
of intrusion into their world by the dead, and that
many of our modern Halloween traditions have evolved
from them.

The Celts have been bestowed with the somewhat
dubious honor of taking credit for the origin of
Halloween. The justness of this assumption remains
to be seen. However, since they are said to be the
originators of Halloween, it is only fitting that we
try to know something about them. This will help us
determine if they are in fact the founders of
Halloween and if they are, what impact this origin
should have on our perception of Halloween.
Hallowmas - All Saints Day
Halloween is the eve of Hallowmas, better
know to modern Christians as All Saints' Day. Hallowmas
celebrates God's harvesting into heaven the faithful of
every age, culture and walk of life. It is a day of glorious
Saints are people who, by their joyful service, have
extended the love of God to others. The martyrology, the
list of the saints officially honored by the church,
contains over 10,000 names and those are only the saints we
know of.
All Saints' Day also remembers those holy people whom no
on but God any longer knows. The reading for the day from
Revelation describes "a great multitude that no one can
This abundant harvest of souls is perfectly suited to
observance in late autumn. That's why All Saints' Day and
Halloween are brightened with corn shocks, pumpkins, apples,
nuts and other signs of natural bounty.
The American tradition of Halloween ghost-and-goblin
madness comes from Celtic lands, where the spirits of the
dead were believed to roam the earth for one night before
winter began. To ward off their fears of the supernatural,
people sat around huge bonfires, telling stories and sharing
the fruits of the harvest.