Sadie & Beethoven



Some 50 years ago, cat fanciers decided to try to create a cat of Persian coat and type but with the colour pattern of the Siamese. In North America the resulting cats were called Himalayans, while in Europe they were classified as Colourpoint Long-hairs. The Himalayan is one of the most popular of all Persians. The Himalayan is shown in the following point colors: chocolate, seal, lilac, blue, red, cream tortie, blue-cream, chocolate-tortie, lilac-cream, seal lynx, blue lynx, red lynx, cream lynx, tortie lynx, blue-cream lynx, chocolate lynx, lilac lynx, chocolate-tortie lynx and lilac-cream lynx. Color is restricted to the facial mask and extremities with the body of various shades of white to fawn. Himalayans were developed by breeding Persians to Siamese to combine the Siamese point coloring with Persian type. After many years of cross breeding they were approved as accepted color variations of Persians. All must have deep vivid blue eyes as eyes other than blue are a disqualification.


Pictures of my late babies


Seal Point Himalayan

Passed away on 10/13/06    She will be dearly missed.




Lilac Point Himalayan

Passed away on 09/12/11    He will be dearly missed.


Sadie and Beethoven




Looking to buy a pure breed cat?

Check this site and possibly adopt one Purebred Cat Rescue


Top Ten Most Popular Breeds! According to the CFA registration statistics for 2007, following is the ranking for the Top Ten Breeds.

  1. Persian

  2. Maine Coon

  3. Exotic

  4. Siamese

  5. Abyssinian

  6. Birman

  7. Oriental

  8. American Shorthair

  9. Tonkinese

  10. Burmese





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Copyright © 2000 - 2025    K. Kerr

Most recent revision March 28, 2025 06:59:35 AM