Crystals come in every size, shape and color. Many are
Their matrixes follow the patterning of Sacred Geometry
All crystal and gemstones are living organisms. Crystals have
a life energy of their own . . .they are alive and usually grow
in clusters. They are part of the Mineral Kingdom Most are grown
in nature. Some that are synthetically produced.
All crystals 'vibrate' on their own individual frequency. The
frequency they send out will determine which crystal you will
chose at a certain point in your life. You do chose different
crystals as your needs change.
Many crystals are as old as our planet and record the history
of the planet.
Some crystals supposedly come here from off of the planet -
such moldavite or other celestial crystals.
Singly terminated crystals have a point at one end.
Double terminated crystals have points at both ends.
Some crystals come to you with holographic images in them.
Sometimes they develop images, to get smoky after you have
worked with them.
These are projections from your mind into the crystal.
Most crystals change during the years they are with you.
Some people can hold a crystal and 'receive' telepathic
messages from it. This is called scrying.
Some crystals are more like rocks or stones. They are usually
polished (called tumbled) and come in a variety of sizes.
Crystals balance or amplify energy fields. They are used in
communication devices.
You can place crystals in water for 24 hours then drink the
When you chose a crystal - it will seem to 'call' to you
as if it has been waiting for you.
This is because you and that crystal are on the same
The crystal will 'catch your eye' and you will feel an
immediate connection, even if it is not the crystal you came
for. When you hold the crystal in your hand, you will feel a
connection of frequency.
Some people find crystals. Some people 'feel' that
crystals find them.
Once you have your crystal - the next step is to clean
and clear the energies from it. You clear it to clean
frequencies in it that are not in balance for with you.
Quartz crystals and gemstones easily attract all kinds of
'vibrations'; negative as well as positive. The stones are
always 'open' to receiving impressions from everyone and
everything around them! Your stone, which you have just
selected, may well have traveled many thousands of miles
before coming to you - and may well have acquired many
negative energies and ' vibrations' before it became yours.
Therefore before starting to use your stone for any
purpose whatsoever it is very important that you first
remove any of these unwanted 'vibrations' and disharmonious
energies. You must do everything you possibly can to ensure
that only the most natural - and purest - energies remain
within your stone.
The method you use is always a matter of personal choice.
Approach the crystal as if it is a living entity.
Most people wash their crystals in water or soak them for
several hours in sea salt mixed in water.
The method I use is liquid soap - such as "Soft Soap".
I rinse my crystals - apply a bit of soap - rinse them
gently again - then place them on a soft cloth to dry.
Next I place them in sunlight to energize them.
Moonlight will do the same thing especially during a Full
Once my crystal is clean and clear - I hold it in my hand
and the crystal and I begin a discussion.
The crystal usually tells me where it wants to be in my
home and what its purpose is at that time. This can vary
after a period of time when crystal tell you that they want
to be placed somewhere else in the home.
Talking to crystals telepathically is called Scrying.
Hold the cleansed crystal in your hand (right or left)
and send it a telepathic message. The energy of your
thoughts will be incorporated into the crystal.
Meditating with your crystal:
Crystals can enhance the energies of your meditation.
You can hold the crystal, wear it, place it on a specific
chakra (if it is small enough), or combine it with other
crystals you are using.
Decorative Uses of Crystals: Jewelry Slices of crystals
can be used as book ends. Large clusters placed in a room
balance energies but also look beautiful, especially large
amethyst clusters.
History records the use of crystals as both functional and
The Gods of ancient myth wore them in their breastplates.
Priests of many societies and brotherhoods, as keepers and
preservers of lost prehistoric wisdom, often wore bejeweled
amulets and plates, which acted as "oracles" and "voice pieces"
from which advice was obtained. The Urim and Thummim stones of
the Hebrew high priests were a prime example
The Atlanteans used crystals for healing - communication -
weather control - as record keepers - among other things.
Tibetans used them to produce light.
Mayans, among others, used crystals in their statues. John L.
Stephens in his classic work on the Mayan civilization,
Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan,
tells how in one small Mayan temple he discovered 'a pedestal
formed of a shining substance resembling glass' around which he
was told the ancient priests gathered and consulted pictures
created in the 'black, transparent stone.' He wrote, 'A native
informed me that their ancestors had known the gift of the
vision stone, when his people were instructed in the arts of
In Peru, Spanish chroniclers recorded that when they invaded
the Incan Empire and captured the King, the Queen and priests
immediately fled to the Temple of the Sun in Cuzco, where they
communicated with other regents of the land, and decided what
was to be done, by gazing into the 'black mirror' situated at
the Temple's center.
Significantly, the Incan Temple of the Sun, and the pyramid
complexes of the Mayas, were all located on Earth energy lines.
There is thus reason to believe that the Ancients possessed the
ability of transmitting images along these lines, and crystal
lenses or screens were used at specific centers to transform the
images into pictures, much like a modern television set.
When we examine what modern research is uncovering regarding
the full spectrum of the properties of crystals, and compare
this with the Ancient knowledge, we discover we are touching
upon only the very beginnings of a vast forgotten technology.
Crystals, at their simplest functional level, can store light
and discharge it, or convert sunlight directly into electricity.
A step beyond, the crystalline form can also store information
in vast quantities. A cut sliver of crystal can pick up a
specified vibratory pattern; the silver can then be 'frozen' and
subsequently 'unfrozen' later to playback the pattern.
A complex sandwich of liquid crystal layers and mirrors act
as light valves to create closed loops of light and moonlight
signals, which correspond to a two alphabet system of
information storage. By such means, information can be stored
with a density of 2,500-fold over that of conventional
electrical-digital computers. The first working model of the
light and crystal computer is scheduled to be operational within
a very short time. But one wonders if someone else, long ago,
developed such a system before us. Could there be banks and
libraries of knowledge stored in the crystals of standing
stones, stone circles and other monuments around the world, just
waiting, silently, for modern man to tap into them and learn the
wisdom hidden within?
Not only knowledge, but the actual consciousness and
emotional energies of psychic individuals from past ages may
still reside in many ancient crystal forms. Several researchers
have used crystals to capture the life force, or the vibratory
pattern of a person at death.
Other experiments being conducted are said to have
successfully captured a human thought within a crystal and
retransmitted it back as an image. Author George Hunt
Williamson, who believes that crystals played a significant role
in past civilizations, expressed his opinion that crystals can
think, and many standing stones have an 'intelligence within
them". Masses of crystal flakes encased in a single stone may
act as individual neurons passing along information from one
flake to another and organize it, like a large crystal brain.
Certain individual crystals, in particular diamonds and other
precious stones, can hold conscious emotional energies from a
bygone era, which may be triggered from time to time, affecting
their owners.
The best classic case of this is the famous Hope Diamond, and
the mysterious curse attached to it. The Hope was originally
part of a much larger gem called the Great Blue, later the
French Blue, stolen from the temple of Rama site in India by
Frenchman Jean Baptiste Tavernier in 1668. In revenge, the
priests of the temple, along with the Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb,
held a special rite and infused the gem with a negative
consciousness or emotional pattern. Since that time, every owner
of the gem, or even those who have handled it, have been subject
to misfortune, tragedy or violent death. Even after the original
Great Blue was cut into pieces, the Hope remaining as the
largest, the curse has followed every piece, even to the
Interestingly, tests have shown that the Hope Diamond and its
sister stones are the only blue diamonds in the world which glow
like red-hot coals when exposed to ultraviolet light, and can
conduct an inordinate amount of electricity.
Cursed gems are the exception to the rule, however, for in
most respects, gems and crystals are generally looked upon
favorably, having properties for good luck, for healing, and in
aiding in psychic abilities. The positive magical quality of
crystals impressed themselves upon humankind far back in
antiquity, for we find among Neanderthal remains dating back to
70,000 B.C. collections of quartz stones and stone balls made of
quartz crystals. Pieces of crystal have also been found in
megalithic cairns, and at New Grange in southern Ireland, tiny
pebbles of white granite quartz cover the entire mound above the
The Druids called certain colored crystal forms ovus anguinum
or glein neidr - 'serpent eggs' - who believed were created by
etheric serpents of energy beneath the earth and conjugated
together at the time of the midsummer sunrise. Such stones, worn
about the neck, had the power of projecting one's auric field to
favorably influence the aura and mind of anyone else who came
within range.
Similarly, they understood that wearing crystals over certain
acupuncture points of the body aided in the healthy flow of
physical and psychic energies. The Emperor Tsin Shi, who reigned
from 259-210 B.C., is said to have possessed at his palace at
Hein-Yang in Shensi a mirror-like stone of crystal which
'illuminated the bones of the body' when a person stepped behind
it. It was rectangular in shape, measuring four feet by five
feet nine inches, and glowed on both sides. The placing of the
hand over the heart somehow activated the stone, whereby the
patient's inner parts were clearly portrayed, and diagnosis of
illness could be obtained.
Two hundred and fifty years earlier, the Hindu sage Jivaka
also had a large 'jewel' which 'illuminated the body like a lamp
lights up a house,' and from which nothing within could be
hidden by any intervening obstacle. In like fashion, the
medicine men of the Hopi Indians of the American Southwest use
crystals to observe the energy centers of the body, and can tell
when physical currents are impeded, causing ill health. These
crystals, too, have the power, when concentrated upon, to be
energizers in influencing events, including forestalling bad
On the Isle of Skye near Ireland, is a chapel dedicated to
St. Columbus, and on the altar is a round crystalline blue stone
held sacred to weather and health. Local fishermen, to appease
contrary winds, bathe this stone with water and claim good
results. The stone has also been applied to peoples' sides to
relieve cramps.
Among the Australian aborigines of north Queensland on the
Prosperine River, quarts crystals are used by the shamans to
cause rain to fall. At other times, in special initiation
ceremonies the aboriginal shamans are sprinkled with quartz
beads mixed with water, and are thus able to see and speak
briefly with spirit beings, exercise telepathy, and cure
The Ancients appear to have possessed sophisticated methods
of growing and shaping crystals, in order to produce gems with
specific magical properties. There are three major axis of
crystal growth which can develop into any one of seven geometric
systems, with lattices and facets in different ratios, producing
230 groups and variations, each one specializing in organizing,
redirecting, separating, concentrating or converting applied
In gem cutting, odd number facets aid in healing, while even
number facets create the best energizers. In color, red, yellow,
and orange stones produce energy; clear and aquamarine stones
are healers; and lavender and blue-violet stones create
tranquil, relaxing effects.
In crystal growth, combinations of light intensity, light
color, electric current, sound, the direction of these, plus the
shape and size (frequency pattern) of the container or room,
will all affect the final characteristics and energy potentials
of a desired stone. Recent experiments, for example, have shown
that crystals grow five times faster when their supersaturated
solution is subjected to frequencies of 10 to 100 cycles a
Manly P. Hall and other students of esoteric wisdom have also
noted that many ancient crystals were produced by 'zodiacal
formulae' grown at specific times, when the sun, moon and
planets were in special heavenly positions. During the growth
process, crystals are also highly susceptible to consciousness
imprinting, whereby the meditations, through-patterns, healing
energy or bioelectric field identity of the grower may be
enjoined within the crystalline structure and memory.
Writer and researcher A.H. Fry tells of his experience with a
woman who produced a special copper alloy by alchemically
subjecting the ore to solutions of carbon and electric current,
and then grew a crystal from the results. The crystal, Fry
reported, possessed electrical resistance factors quite
different from ordinary copper, and seemed to have tiny
microscopic 'wires' embedded within it. When he attached an
electrometer to the crystal, he was surprised to find it was
also alive; it produced a pattern similar to that of a living
plant, and reacted to outside physical and mental disturbances
in the same way as Cleve Backster's experiments using a
Fry, commenting on the Ancients' use of crystals in general,
stated: "Legends occasionally mention crystals that could render
invisibility (such as the one Apollonius of Tyana used before
the Roman Emperor) and even cause weightlessness. They even used
crystals to discover how to enter and escape time by negotiating
a ninety degree angle phase shift. Was it all in the size and
shape? Or did it involve mental forces and special 'live'
qualities within the crystal?'
Fry also made this interesting observation, which relates the
use of crystals to the Crystal of the Earth itself, and to
ourselves, whose bodies are also made of crystalline forms: 'It
is a literal fact that most of our planet is made up of crystals
of specific shapes. The present energy problems will be a thing
of the past when we start using the wondrous potential of these
shapes. Even the food we eat must be converted to tiny
crystalline shapes before it can pass through the tissue walls.
The ancient Central American word for blood was chalchuihatl,
and it literally meant, 'water of precious stones'.
Sun: Garnet
Vulcan: Malachite
Venus: Lapis, Pearl, Turquoise
Moon: Pearl, Turquoise
Mars: Amethyst, Garnet
Jupiter: Amethyst
Saturn: Garnet, Jade
Neptune: Jade, Malachite, Pearl
Uranus: Amethyst, Lapis, Malachite, Quartz
Pluto: Amethyst, Garnet, Malachite, Quartz
Minerals and their properties.
Minerals have been close to humans for as long as man has
walked the earth and gazed with wonder at their natural beauty
and mystery. There are thousands of types of minerals, each with
it's own unique color patterns, shapes, energetic properties,
and metaphysical properties.
This is a list of minerals
and their properties. You will find the minerals name, it's
metaphysical properties, and a brief description of the minerals
color and shape. This list is never complete, and will be
updated constantly.
ACTINOLITE This mineral is
an immensely important tool. It is a phenomenal shielding device
and expands the energy bodies. The expansion of the energy
bodies provides for a connection to the "Light"- "All That Is".
This stone is cloudy gray with greenish black shafts.
AMAZONITE This mineral provides for balancing and
aligning the physical with the ethereal bodies. It is a stone of
balance, balancing the male/female energies. It soothes nerves
and dispels both irritating and negative energy. It helps to
rejuvenate the heart centers and the throat chakra areas.
This stone is turquoise in color with white/gray stripes
AMBER Amber is the
fossilized resin of coniferous trees. This mineral is used for
allowing the body to heal itself, absorbing and transmuting
negative energy into positive energy. It is used to open and
cleanse all chakras. It is said to be a stone of good luck. It
was burned as incense to clear negativity. It purifies the area
in which it is placed and is excellent for use in rooms where
re-birthing is done. It's properties bring wisdom, balance, and
patience. It self-heals drawing disease from the body, lessens
stress, negativity, and depression. Aids memory and decision
making. This stone is amber in color and is clear or cloudy.
AMETHYST This mineral provides for good spiritual
cleansing and development, helping the mind to calm and dwell on
higher thoughts. Used also extensively for healing in the
healing arts. It is also known for protection from psychic
attacks, an excellent stone for activating the crown chakra.
CHEVRON AMETHYST This mineral provides
for good spiritual cleansing and development, helping the mind
to calm and dwell on higher thoughts. Used also extensively for
healing in the healing arts. It is also known for protection
from psychic attacks, an excellent stone for activating the
crown chakra. This stone is purple in color with white
This mineral provides for good spiritual cleansing and
development, helping the mind to calm and dwell on higher
thoughts. Used also extensively for healing in the healing arts.
It is also known for protection from psychic attacks, an
excellent stone for activating the crown chakra, and clearing
negativity from all the chakras. Excellent for Astral traveling
protection. This stone is grayish purple in color.
provides for good spiritual cleansing and development, helping
the mind to calm and dwell on higher thoughts. Used for healing
and is also known for protection from psychic attacks, an
excellent stone for activating the crown chakra. This can also
help to attune one to the higher realms, and is conductive to
opening the channels to telepathy. This stone is light
purple in color.
AMETRINE This mineral is a
mixing of citrine and amethyst. It helps clear one's thoughts
and brings a universal equilibrium. This stone is a powerful
healing stone, which absorbs and disperses negativity from the
aura and never has to be cleansed. Ametrine works quickly in all
areas of clearing and raises the citrine's properties of
clearing away blockages and healing. This stone is golden
yellow, purple and usually clear.
ANGELITE This mineral is an
excellent balancing agent, aligning the physical with the
ethereal network. It provides a protective fields around the
environment which it is placed. It is a sender and receiver of
telepathic signals. It dispels anger and negativity, helps
induce the re-birthing process, and facilitates healing.
This stone is Light to sky blue in color.
APACHE TEARS This mineral is said
to be excellent for sharpening external and internal vision and
used for vision quests. It is also known for use in protection
from psychic attacks, and is excellent for dispelling
negativity. It is also used for comfort in times of grief it
helps you to understand and helps provide insight and
acceptance. This stone is clear/black in color.
APOPHYLLITE This mineral has been
used to create a conscious connection between the physical form
and the spiritual realm. It has been used to facilitate Astral
Travel and allows one to see into the future. It also can be
used to stimulate and enhance one's intuitive visions. Can be
used as a "Star Gate" to transverse universes. This stone is
clear to white to pink and green in color.
AQUAMARINE This mineral is known as
the stone of courage. It enhances one's ability for rapid
intellectual response. It accelerates the intellectual
processes. It provides a shielding property to the Aura and
subtle bodies. It helps one to attune to more spiritual levels
of awareness. This stone is light blue in color.
BLUE LACE AGATE This mineral is excellent for
stimulating the crown chakra, 3rd eye and energizing the auric
body. It can be used to stimulate the exploration of the unknown
and to further ones quest toward the enlightened state. It also
allows one to look toward the solution rather than the problem.
This mineral is blue exhibiting white circular or oval patterns.
BLACK ONYX This mineral is excellent for protection
and for providing a grounding energy field around the user. It
enhances decision making by letting the holder see both sides of
the story leading to happiness and good fortune. It is useful
for the removal of negative energy. This stone is black in
BLOODSTONE This mineral is excellent as a healing stone
and is called the stone of courage. It can be used to awaken the
base, navel, sacral and heart chakras. It is also centering and
grounding for the heart chakra. It provides a revitalization of
love, relationships and friendships. This crystal is mostly
green with tiny spots of red that look like blood.
BLUE APATITE This mineral is excellent for powerfully
affecting the throat chakra, clearing obstructions to greater
self-expression and receptivity. It can further the connection
with UFO's and can provide access to past life insights and
telepathy. Also used, as its name sounds, to curbing the
appetite, excellent dieter's stone. This stone is light to
dark blue in color.
AVENTURINE Aventurine is said to
bring luck and adventures in love and games. It makes an
individual independent and original. It has a binding and
healing force, and is good for skin diseases and improving the
complexion. At one time it was used to cure nearsightedness. It
is helpful for the etheric, emotional and mental bodies.
Aventurine has strong healing energies, and affects the
pituitary gland. It can be used for creative visualization,
higher-self attunement, and is good for the muscle and nervous
system. Aventurine is a good stone for artists, writers and all
those of a creative nature. It brings prosperity; the green
vibrations attract money.
BLUE CALCITE This mineral is
excellent for amplifying the energy from the throat chakra. It
is a great stone for students as it helps sharpen learning and
retention of lessons learned. It enhances decision making by
letting the holder see more clearly into situations leading to
happiness and good fortune. This stone is blue in color.
BLUE MOONSTONE This mineral is excellent for helping you
to go with the flow, supporting, yet, promoting growth. Used for
protection while traveling it is known as a "Travelers" stone.
It is a stone that cleanses negativity from the chakras. It is
also a "good luck" stone and is also helpful for fertility.
This mineral is opaque white with blue flames.
STONES This mineral is excellent for aligning all of the subtle
bodies and both balances and aligns the chakras. It is useful
for the removal of energy blockages, while cleaning and charging
the aura. Also used to align the yin/yang energy within ones
physical body. It is an excellent grounding stone. This
stone is rust/brown in color and round in shape, some are smooth
(females), some are bumpy (males).
mineral is excellent for stimulating the crown chakra, and
energizing the auric body. It can be used to stimulate the
exploration of the unknown and to further ones quest toward the
enlightened state. It also allows one to look toward the
solution rather than the problem. This mineral is gray and
pink, exhibiting white circular or oval patterns.
BOULANGERITE This crystal brings patience, perseverance,
composure and stamina. It helps one to find things that were
lost. It helps to awaken the inner sense of well being. This
mineral has been used in the treatment of the immune system, to
increase the amount of cells, and to assist in the assimilation
of vitamins and minerals. This crystal is grayish in color.
CLEAR CALCITE This mineral is excellent for amplifying energy.
It is a great stone for students as it helps sharpen learning
and retention of lessons learned. It enhances decision making by
letting the holder see more clearly into situations leading to
happiness and good fortune. This stone is clear in color and
mostly found in flat square pieces.
CARNELIAN This mineral is excellent for providing
perceptiveness. It is a great protector against envy, fear, and
rage. It also helps to get rid of feelings of sorrow leading to
happiness. This stone represents the navel chakra. This
stone is opaque to clear red to orange and sometimes found with
stripes running through it.
CHAROITE This mineral
provides for a synthesis between the heart and crown chakras and
combines the higher spiritual dimensions with unconditional
love. It also provides for the transmutation of negativity and
for grounding to the spiritual self. It cleanses the Auric body
and instills a "brotherhood of light" feeling. This stone is
purple with gray or white.
CHRYSOCOLLA This mineral is
excellent for easing emotional heartache, and gives renewed
strength and balance. It produces inner strength and relieves
stress. It also helps to stimulate the crown chakra to help in
the alignment of the ethereal network and is excellent for
meditation. This stone is blue-green in color.
CHRYSOPHRASE This mineral is excellent for balancing the
yin-yang energies and for aligning the chakras. It activates and
opens the heart chakra and is excellent for deep meditation.
Helps to heal a "Broken Heart". It is also good for inner
strength and balance bringing a non-judgmental attitude and
acceptance of others. This stone is greenish blue in color.
CITRINE This mineral is an excellent healing stone, also known
as a healers stone. This stone is a powerful healing stone,
which absorbs negativity and never has to be cleansed. This
stone is said to bring business if put in the cash box of a shop
or money if carried on your person. Helps clear one's thoughts
and allows one to feel cheerful and lighthearted. This stone
is golden yellow and clear.
COPAL This mineral can be used to activate the crown
chakra, to remove energy blockages and to strengthen the
meridians of the physical body. It assists one in remaining
aware during meditation. It has been used for healing and for
communicating with spirits. Amber-like yellow to gold in
color and very light to the touch.
DANBURITE This mineral is excellent for encouraging you
to let your light shine. It is a powerful intellect activator.
It also helps to bring in the element of enlightenment through
love. This stone is a powerful acceleration stone, which "juices
up" the energy of stones used in conjunction with it. This
stone is clear with striations running down.
DENDRITIC AGATE (tree agate) This mineral is excellent
for enhancing gentleness and helps to stimulate peacefulness. A
great money stone as it is a stone of plenty and helps to
produce prosperity. This stone is opaque white with green or
gray plant like markings in it.
functional; energy moves from both ends concurrently. They have
the capacity to draw or transmit energy in both directions.
These are excellent for astral travel and for dream work. They
can be used for protection and to build and maintain an energy
shield. They transform negative to positive. Clear to opaque
in color with points on both sides.
ELESTIAL QUARTZ This mineral is excellent for overcoming
emotional burdens, aligning the heart and intellect, and for
finding within, a deep love for self and others, used also for
protection from psychic attack, or negativity. This stone is
clear to black to brown crystal.
EMERALD This mineral is excellent as a stone of
successful love, it is said to provide domestic bliss,
sensitivity and loyalty. It can be used to enhance the memory.
It is also useful for opening the heart chakra. It is also said
to bring successful consequences for legal affairs This
stone is green to light green in color.
EPIDOT This mineral can provide for increases in that
which we choose to be attuned with. It dispels criticalness,
enhances keen perception, stimulates participation and
interaction, and also stimulates personal power. This stone
is black to dark green and is light green when found with
FIRE AGATE This mineral represents the spiritual flame
of absolute perfection. It is said to dispel fear from the very
depths of the inner being and to provide a protective shield,
which reflects all threats of harm back to the source such that
the source may personally understand the act. This stone is
brownish in color with a fire-like flame to it.
FLOURITE This mineral is excellent for opening inner
doors of perception, to yourself and others around you. It is
known for absorbing anger and negativity holding it in until the
crystal breaks. A great companion for your computer, also is
very grounding. This stone is found in green, yellow, blue,
and purple or in combination with all.
GARNET (red,
raspberry, green) This mineral is excellent for health,
extracting negative energy from the chakras. It is a stone of
commitment to purpose- to self- to others. Garnet reflects the
attributes of warmth and understanding. The garnet stimulates
the development and movement of the kundalini. This stone is
pink to red or green in color.
GEM SILICA This mineral is excellent for it ability
to allow for the flow of messages from the physical to the
etheric plane. It helps to bring calm and peacefulness to ones
environment. It stimulates the heart and throat chakras and
brings love. This stone is grayish white with blue in color.
GOLDSTONE - Goldstone is the stone of "Ambition and Drive" and
has a gently uplifting quality! Goldstone is manmade glass with
flecks of copper suspended in it. The glass is made in a
reducing furnace with copper salts added, which "smelts" the
copper salts back to copper, which then crystallizes. Other
coloring agents added to the glass can change the basic copper
colored variety to a number of other versions, such as blue and
green etc. But the glass ONLY is colored, the sparkles are still
the same COPPER CRYSTALS! The metaphysical properties of copper
are said to be the ability to aid the circulatory system, help
strengthen bones and fight arthritis pain.
AVENTURINE This mineral is used mostly for the heart chakra to
activate and clear. Excellent stone for providing a shield so
people can't "tap in" and use the energy of another. It
facilitates balancing and alignment of the intellectual,
emotional, physical and auric bodies. It enhances leadership
qualities. This stone is light to dark green in color.
HARLEQUIN QUARTZ This crystal is powerful. It can be used to
traverse the spaces between the spiritual and physical worlds.
It balances the polarity in the body, and is a stimulator of the
heart chakra. It provides physical vitality to the body. It
stimulates the alignment of the physical and ethereal nervous
This mineral is clear to opaque and had red spots and /or
red strings.
HEMATITE This mineral is excellent for calming and
relaxing and for reducing emotional upset. It aides in sleep and
is known to transform negativity. This stone is also known for
its grounding and protection qualities. Good for freeing up your
mind to be able to think clearly. Also good for relieving
headaches. This stone is silver metallic and heavy.
HERKIMER DIAMOND This mineral is a naturally faceted
mineral which provides an energy for a delicate harmony,
enhancing awareness. The energy of the Herkimer diamond helps
one to begin again in this lifetime. It also is known as a stone
of "Attunement", in addition it stimulates clairvoyant and
clairaudient abilities and assists in telepathic communication.
Clear and faceted like a diamond.
HESSONITE This mineral is excellent for health,
extracting negative energy from the chakras. It reflects the
attributes of warmth and understanding. It helps eliminate
feelings of inferiority. It helps to activate the intellectual
qualities in the holder. This stone is pink to orange to
gold in color.
HIDDENITE This mineral is excellent for stimulating the
intellect and the loving side of ones nature in order to bring
fourth the unknown. It prompts the connection with the other
worlds and provides for the transfer of knowledge. This
stone is green to clear in color.
HOWLITE This mineral provides for calm communication,
awareness and encourages emotional expression. It combines the
power of reasoning with observation and patience. This mineral
dispels selfishness, criticalness, and facetiousness. Howlite
can be used to relieve stress, pain and rage. This mineral
is white with gray stripes.
IOLITE This mineral is one of the major stones for use
in the 3rd eye/crown chakras during healing, meditations, and
during astral travel. It is useful for stimulation of visions
and is an important "Shamans" stone, and is considered strong
medicine. This crystal is indigo-violet to deep blue in
color. This stone is metallic silver with gold or red or blue
JADE Jade is the prince of peace and
tranquility. It acts quietly as a consciousness raiser of human
development. It dispels negativity by the constant emission of
soothing and cleaning vibrations. It is said that jade is not
from the Earth, but is a mutation from a planet outside this
solar system. Jade can never harm anyone wearing it, for it does
not absorb negative attributes of any nature. It is said to
prolong life, protect one from accidents, and quiet inner
restlessness. Jade is a soothing green color. It is an
avocado green gem, with darker mottled flecks of green in it.
JADEITE This mineral is known as the stone of magic. It can also
bring forth the abilities to unite and improve dysfunctional
relationships. It enhances expressiveness, intelligence and
perception. It assists one in attaining the royal realm. It also
assists in the removal of pain. This stone is light to dark
green in color.
JASPER (red & yellow) This mineral is excellent for
protection and is known as a "Shamans" stone that transforms
negativity. This stone is also known for its ability to balance
the yin-yang energies and is a safe facilitator for astral
traveling. This stone is orange-red and/or yellow in color.
PICTURE JASPER - This is a great stone for those who are in
business, as it is excellent for all pursuits leading to an
increase in personal holdings. BIt is usually beige with brown
JET This mineral is fossilized wood. It can
protect the wearer against illness and violence. It is a calming
agent, providing the diminishment of depression. This is the
stone the witches use for protection from negative spells
against them. This stone is black and lightweight.
KORNERUPINE This mineral is excellent for promoting
understanding of the sacredness of life. It assists one in
seeing beyond the normal illusions of this world. It serves to
both stabilize and calm the emotions and to bring refinement to
ones character. This stone is green.
mineral is excellent. This is one of 2 minerals that never need
cleansing or clearing. This stone automatically balances the
Chakras without any effort. It brings tranquility and a calming
effect to the whole being. It also stimulates psychic awareness
on all levels, dispels anger, and helps with recall of dreams.
Kyanite can be useful for remembering past-lives. This stone
can be blue, green or black all with striations.
LAPIS LAZULI This mineral is known for being a symbol of
power and royalty since ancient times. It is also known for its
ability as a mental and spiritual cleanser and opener of the 3rd
eye. Draws the mind inward to its own source of power. This
stone is light blue to azure with specks of pyrite in the
LASER CRYSTALS Laser crystals establish a finer
communication with other worlds, the crystal world, and the
inner world of the self. These crystals radiate a lovely energy
and have been recognized as a continuous source of white light.
When holding a laser wand, the energy tends to surround the
body, providing a protective barrier.
This mineral is said to be excellent for stimulation of the
third eye up to the crown chakras, and also promotes
clairaudience and clairvoyance. It is a very loving stone and is
an asset to your environment. This stone also has all of the
qualities of Rose Quartz. This stone is clear to opaque
pink/purple in color.
LEMURIAN SEED CRYSTAL Lemurians are said to have been
placed here by the original space beings who inhabited Lemuria.
These crystals have a warm feeling to them. It is believed that
they were programmed to transmit frequencies to other crystals
that were forming in the earth, and offer a connection to the
many sacred places located upon and under the earth's surface.
They create a holographic connection between the inner earth and
the earth's surface. Only one Lemurian Seed Crystal is required
to connect holographically to all the other seed crystals. This
energetic connection forms a magnetic grid around the earth
which links us to the inner and outer worlds. Lemurian seed
crystals, once thought to originate from only the Joaquim
Felicio region of Minas Gerias, Brazil, are now found in
Diamatina and Corinto too. Triangular faces sitting atop sides
with pronounced horizontal striations are characteristic of
these crystals. They are clear quartz crystals, but have a
dull look rather than a sheen. Some of them exhibit a pink hue.
LEPIDICHROCITE-SUPER 7 This mineral brings grounding with
intellectual stimulation, it acts to promote realization that
one's strength occurs through both spiritual avenues and through
love. This mineral is a bridge between consciousness and matter,
which bring practicality to and powers of manifestation It is
useful for Reiki treatments to promote the transfer of energy.
Opens communication with Angels. This stone is clear with
gold and purple threads. gy. Opens communication with Angels.
LIMONITE This mineral assists toward stability and comfort. It
provides for strength and virility. This mineral also provides
for protection against negative thought forms and psychic attack.
It also furthers accuracy in the intuitive process. This
stone is rusty and iron-like.
mineral can be used for dispelling grief, fear, anger and
attachments. It helps one to attain a deep meditative state.
Also is excellent when used for grounding and protection.
This mineral is rusty-metallic and magnetic.
MALACHITE This mineral is excellent for bringing money
to the holder of this stone. It is one of the oldest known
healing stones as it draws out very powerfully on all levels. It
is also used for healing the heart of negative relationship
attachments. This mineral is forest green with darker green
stripes running through it.
METEORITE/TEKTITE This mineral is excellent for
meditation, it can assist one in connecting with
extraterrestrials or past life associations. It represses
undesirable experiences and enhances impressions of memorable
experiences. It does not allow one to forget lessons learned.
Carrying a tektite acts to strengthen ones energy field. This
stone as its name denotes is from outer space. This mineral
is black with moon-like pock marks.
mineral is excellent for protection while traveling it is known
as the "Travelers" stone. It is a stone of the feminine, the
goddess and brings balance and nurturing energy to the holder.
It is also helpful for fertility, and brings new beginnings,
calmness and comfort to couples. This mineral is opaque
white to green to orange.
MORGANITE This mineral is an excellent for heart stone,
which facilitates opening and release of pent up emotion,
cleansing the heart and preparing it to attract and sustain love
in one's life. This mineral is clear and pink in color.
NEBULA STONE - Scientifically known as a unusual alkalis
volcanic rock composed of the four minerals: quartz,
anorthoclase, nebeckite, and aegirine. A black stone dotted with
bright green patches. Offers unique and powerful energies.
Strongly grounded. Activates remembrance of Light within cells.
Draws light into the body. Expands consciousness and awakening.
Reveals the connection between ourselves and the stone from deep
within our planet to the distant nebulae that are the birth of
new star systems and the beginning of light. Rebirth, renewal,
and spiritual reincarnation. It harmonizes ones energies ans
enhances ones awareness of being an integral part of the entire
OBSIDIAN (black & snowflake) This mineral is
said to sharpen external and internal vision, and is known to be
excellent for dispelling negativity and is used for protection
from psychic attack and other negativity. This mineral is
black/or with white snowflakes.
ONYX is a type of chalcedony which occurs usually,
in the form of layers of a variety of colours. The predominant
colours include black, black and white, red and white,
orange-brown/honey and white, etc. It is often carved to produce
cameos. This mineral is an excellent stone for initiating the
modes of centering and alignment of the total person with the
higher powers. It can be used banish grief, to enhance
self-control, to stimulate the power of wise decision making,
and to encourage happiness and good fortune. It helps one to
absorb, from the universe, those energies which are needed. It
also furthers the quality of sentience of the instincts helping
one to both see and feel the guidance. Onyx can also help one
to see the duality of ones nature and to synthesize the yin and
yang into the whole. It can be used to provide glimpses of that
which lies " beyond", while providing for activation of the
memory with respect to ones "roots" and reality. It further
helps one to follow the path alone, promoting the recognition of
personal strengths and assisting one in the understanding of the
reality of the moment. It helps one to become the master of ones
own future. It has been used in the treatment of disorders
related to bone marrow, to the soft tissue structures, and to
the feet.
PECOS DIAMOND (double terminated) This mineral
stabilizes emotions, brings joy, stimulates the interaction
between intuition and creativity, enhances desire, promotes
personal growth, stabilizes the emotions and increases
sexuality. It also aids in coping with highly explosive life
changes and assists in the process of acceptance, transition,
and the attainment of further wisdom..
This mineral is an opaque form of rock quartz crystal and
can be white, pink, brown or a variety of colors as influenced
by its surroundings.
PERIDOT This mineral is
excellent for healing. Also this mineral emits a friendly
energy, it can be used to cleanse the heart and solar plexus
chakras. It provides a shield of protection around the body.
This mineral is translucent green in color.
PETRIFIED WOOD This mineral provides for strength in
all areas in ones life, and is a stone for grounding. It
provides for access and information concerning past-lives, this
action is furthered with meditation with this stone. Wood
grained and stripped and found in a variety of colors from brown
to red.
PIETERSITE/TEMPESTSTONE This mineral is excellent for it
assists one in remaining open to experience. It further allows
one to see beyond the horizon or mirage, bringing
courage, tenacity and effort to create and maintain and keep what
is rightfully yours against all odds. This mineral is blue,
brown, dark green, or black and has characteristic storms
(shetoyance) in it.
is used as an energy amplifier, which helps the mind and body
remember information brought to bear during astral travel.
Excellent for channeling. Its multi-directional energy
distribution separates energy and doubles the intensity.
Excellent for studying. It clears and activates the heart
chakra. This stone is pink with white lines running through
POLISHED CITRINE This mineral is an excellent money
stone, also known as a shopkeepers stone, this stone is said to
bring business if put in the cashbox of a shop or money if
carried on your person. Helps clear one's thoughts and allows
one to feel cheerful and lighthearted. This stone is a powerful
healing stone, which absorbs negativity and never has to be
cleansed. This stone is golden yellow to brown and also
PYRITE This mineral provides for balancing and
equalizing. It helps to match frequencies with others from
higher or lower vibrational levels. Grounding stone. Called
fools gold. Also can be used for protection. This stone is
gold in color and looks like gold.
QUARTZ LASER POINT (clear) This is among the most
common of crystals, and it is among the most powerful and
versatile. This mineral is excellent for amplification, storage,
focusing, transfer, and transformation of energy. It can be used
to clear, heal, to attract, and to protect. Excellent for 3rd
eye. This mineral is clear and glass-like to opaque white in
QUARTZ (clear) This is among the most common of
crystals, and it is among the most powerful and versatile. This
mineral is excellent for amplification, storage, focusing,
transfer, and transformation of energy. It can be used to clear,
heal, to attract, and to protect. Excellent for 3rd eye.
This mineral is clear and glass-like to opaque white in color.
RASPBERRY QUARTZ This mineral can be used to
synthesize the 7 major chakras, bringing attunement to the
higher realms and assisting in clearing and activating these
chakras. This mineral is excellent for use in the disorders to
the energy system. It can be used to clear and to heal.
Excellent for 3rd eye and crown chakras. This mineral has a
raspberry tinge due to the inclusion of Amethyst, Geothite and
RED QUARTZ This is among the most
powerful and versatile of crystals. It aides in positive action,
and produces an abundance of physical energy, vitality and is
excellent for amplification, storage, focusing, transfer, and
transformation of energy. It can be used to clear, to heal, to
attract, and to protect. Excellent for all chakras. This
mineral is red to orange color.
mineral is excellent for and is known as the stone of love and
balance. This mineral helps us to integrate love and sexuality,
uniting the 2nd and 4th chakras. Helps one to find unconditional
love. This mineral is pink with white and darker pink
RHODONITE This mineral can balance the yin-yang energy,
synthesize the qualities of attunement with the spirituality of
the universe. It can help one to attain calm and dispels
anxiety. It also has been called the stone of love. It activates
and energizes the heart chakra., also excellent for stimulation,
clearing and activation of the heart chakra. Also used to
facilitate removal of blockages. This mineral is pink with
black spots.
SMOKEY QUARTZ Smokey quartz is the
brown variety of quartz. Colors run from light grey or brown to
dark brown or black. The characteristic smokiness of smokey
quartz is caused when quartz is exposed to very low levels of
natural radiation from surrounding rocks or radioactive elements
over a very long period of time. Smokey quartz is a protective
crystal that can help cut through superfluous information to get
straight to the point. It can help you to remain focused in
times of stress or difficulty and can help during meditation or
ceremony to be aware of the more subtle energies while remaining
grounded. It can help to release old hurt, anger and depression
and is a useful companion when making hard decisions.
SNOW QUARTZ Snow quartz is a delicate, translucent white form of
quartz. It is a member of the chalcedony family, and is made of
silica. It is a cryptocrystalline quartz and is found in Brazil,
U.S. and Mexico. Snow quartz helps us to have a focus of purity
in ourselves. It helps for clarity of mind, and activates the
crown chakra. It shows us our personal identification with the
Infinite, the oneness with God. It represents peace and wisdom.
It is a stone that has the power to act as an insulator for all
things. It can stop negative vibrations and maintain positive
vibrations. Snow quartz can help develop psychic abilities. It
causes the intellect to become more spiritual and helps one to
have a love of truth.
ROSE QUARTZ This mineral is
excellent for facilitating emotional clearing and healing. It
helps a person to be more receptive to beauty and to feel loved.
A lovers stone and is known as the stone of love and balance.
Helps one to find unconditional love, and to heal matters of the
heart. Great Heart Chakra stone.
This mineral is pink in color.
RUBY This mineral
is excellent for stimulating the heart chakra, bringing
spiritual wisdom, knowledge and wealth. It is an excellent
shielding stone protecting on all levels. It is said that if you
have a ruby, that wealth will not leave you. This mineral is
pink to purple to red in color.
rutile in the rutilated quartz intensifies the power of the
quartz crystal. In addition it affects the etheric and astral
bodies, it assists in getting to the root of the problem. Also
known as the problem solver crystal. This crystal adds vision to
astral travel and helps to stimulate awareness of the
connections that we have with the other realms. Clear with
gold, red or silver threads.
SCEPTOR QUARTZ This crystal, and it is among the
most powerful and versatile, it can be used as a wand to focus
energy as well as to disperse negative thought-forms. This
mineral is excellent for amplification, storage, transfer, and
transformation of energy. It can be used to clear, heal, to
attract, and to protect. Excellent for 3rd eye. This mineral
is clear to opaque in color and has a bulbus head.
SELENITE Selenite provides clarity of mind, and enhances
awareness of self and surroundings. It is useful in Past-Life
Regression, and also in Future-Life Exploration, with activation
being achieved by rubbing the crystal between thumb and
fore-finger while beginning meditation. Selenite's pure clean
vibration will also clean most minerals within a 15 minute time
period. If the mineral is left on the selenite for a longer
period of time, the energy of the mineral will transmit through
the selenite and permeate the room. Selenite's high vibrational
energy aids us in aligning our higher selves' with our conscious
physical lives' helping us to manifest our desires into the
physical. The energy is so high and pure, it fills our cells,
our being, and all aspects of our lives with the pure love and
light of the Divine Source. Selenite is useful in assisting
making judgments, and in heightening intuition. It is useful in
increasing flexibility and strength in decisions. In healing,
Selenite has been used to align the spinal column or other parts
of the skeletal system, and to promote flexibility in the
muscles. It is also useful to nullify the 'poisoning' effect of
metal-fillings in teeth, and has been used to extend life-span.
Crystals take on the characteristics of their environment; the
finer the soil, the more clear the crystals. Iron oxide in the
soil gives the crystals their chocolate brown color. Because
these crystals form in wet soil, sand and clay particles are
included within the crystal. Selenite programs quartz.
SERPENTINE This mineral eliminates parasitic infestations within
the body. It is also usefull in the rise of the KUNDALINI. It
stimulates an opening where the kundalini can travel and lessens
the discomfort. It can be used to clear clouded areas of the
chakras. Excellent stone for meditation. This stone is light
to dark green to whiteish green in color.
SILICA This mineral is excellent for calming and
relaxing and reducing emotional upset. It is good for aiding in
sleep, transforming negativity grounding and protection. Good
also for freeing up your mind to be able to think clearly. It is
also a great companion for your computer. This mineral is
metallic silver and light to the touch.
This mineral is said to be excellent for protection from
negativity, and is excellent for grounding. It is also used to
refine the vibratory energies. It provides for balancing of the
yin-yang energy. It can also help with mind balance, energy
balance, and attuning the energies requires for spiritual
development. This stone is clear/black in color.
SODALITE This mineral is excellent for use in eliminating
confusion, and to bringing out the truth. It provides for access
of universal law and stimulation of the throat chakra.
Encourages self-esteem. This mineral is dark blue with white
and gray and black blotches.
SPECTROLITE/LABRADORITE This mineral is excellent
for bringing to consciousness one's dreams or that which is
ready to be released from the unconscious. A powerful
transformation stone. This stone is black to gray with
yellow or purple-blue shetoyance (looks like flames of color)
STAR DIOPSIDE This mineral can be used to
stimulate the intellect and can provide assistance in
mathematical and analytical pursuits. It enhances academic
learning and couples the practical side to the sciences and
arts. It can be used as a healing stone for those that will not
allow themselves to cry. This mineral is black with a sheen,
which sometimes stars like a star sapphire.
STRAWBERRY QUARTZ This mineral is useful for stimulating
the energy center of the heart, filling one's total person with
the feeling of love. It also balances the physical body with the
subtle bodies. This stone is said to have been used in Atlantis
and Lemuria in healing ceremonies. This stone is light pink
with white speckles.
SUGILITE This mineral brings realization of the
connection between the well-being of the body and the mind.
Sugilite is the LOVE STONE OF THE AGES, representing the
perfection of the spiritual love of "All that Is" and
facilitating the manifestation of the energy on the Earth plane.
It eliminates anger, jealousy, prejudice and fear. This
mineral is purple to black and purple.
SUNSTONE This mineral has been used to both clear and
energize the chakras and bring a feeling of squeaky-clean. It
can be used to dissipate fear, and to alleviate stress. It has
been used to provide good luck in games. It is thought to bring
life and abundance to those fortunate to carry/wear it. It is
also believed to provide protection from destructive forces.
This stone is golden in color.
TEKTITE-Tektite is a type of natural glass, chemically
and structurally unique, of meteoric origin. Tektites usually
have a heavily pitted surface. Many have the appearance of being
stretched while in a molten state. They appear black, but when
held up to the light, you can sometimes see a golden tint in
translucent areas around the edges. This stone has banishing
properties, eliminates bad energies, assists one in attaining
knowledge and learning lessons throughout the travels of life.
Balances the feminine/masculine, provides insight, strengthens
one's energy field. Can stimulate thought transmissions.
TIBETAN QUARTZ This mineral is very helpful for
relieving tension, and helps to cure eating disorders. This
crystal can be used to enhance, amplify, and intensify
transformation, releasing self-limitations, disease and
disorders. It is also an excellent enhancer and activator of
other crystals. This stone is grayish clear or cloudy almost
smokey due the amount of hematite where they are found.
TIGER IRON This mineral provides for balancing and equalizing,
it is excellent for deflecting negativity, with these properties
it is excellent for protection. It helps to bring clarity and
light and is helpful for grounding. This stone is metallic
silver with gold or red or blue blotches.
TIGER EYE This mineral is excellent for protection,
grounding and for bringing clarity and light to a situation. It
is also used for past life regression protection, and astral
travel protection. This mineral is golden, dark blue or red
in color.
TOPAZ Topaz gives inspiration and stimulation to the
mind and soul. It replaces negativity with joy and love. It
gives greater capabilities of awareness perception and
creativity. It has a balancing effect on the nervous system and
is good for mood swings, exhaustion or mental breakdown. Blue
Topaz is traditionally known as the 'writers stone'. Topaz has
strong electromagnetic qualities. The blue stone opens the
Throat Chakra for focus and mental clarity, the yellow stone
opens the solar plexus for personal power and confidence.
TORMALATED QUARTZ This mineral is excellent for providing a
bridge between spirit and matter, helping to bring balance and
protection. It provides humanity with a tool which produces a
solving atmosphere. It also can be used to assist on in
actualizing strength in relationships and situations. It aides
in eliminating destructive patterns and adjusts imbalances.
This mineral is clear with black stripes.
TORMALINE This mineral is excellent for providing a
bridge between spirit and matter, helping to bring balance.
BLACK-deflects negativity for protection. BLUE-Brings peace and
calm communication. GREEN-Opens for channeling. PINK-Giver of
love, heart healer. This mineral is green, blue, black and
pink in color.
TRANSLUCENT HALITE This mineral is an excellent for
dissipating the feelings of danger and anger. It assists greatly
in meditation, and is excellent for channeling and astral
travel. This mineral is pink to white to light orange in
TURQUOISE This mineral is an excellent for opening the
heart and throat chakras. It connects you to the earth and
universal energies. Also it strengthens the ability to give and
receive, a stone of balance, protection and love. This
mineral is turquoise to greenish turquoise in color.
ULEXITE This mineral provides for a clear path to
balance. It helps to stimulate the imagination, enhancing
creativity. It stimulates the 3rd eye and assists in the
interpretation of visions. It helps one to see the problem so
one can be able to fix it. This crystal is silky white
fibrous with an overtone of pale green. This stone is metallic
silver with gold or red or blue blotches.
mineral is an excellent for and is known as the stone of virtue,
it promotes union: physical, emotional mental and spiritual.
It combines 1st, 3rd, and 4th chakras raising them to a higher
level of intensity. It symbolizes the unity of "All That Is" and
man. It is also symbolic of purity, innocence and constancy.
This mineral is metallic and brown/rusty colored.