Psychic Gifts

The clair senses, also known as psychic abilities or psychic gifts, go beyond our ordinary perception of reality. They allow us to tap into information that exists beyond the physical realm, giving us insights and understanding that can’t be explained by science alone.  It’s like having an extra set of senses that enable us to perceive things on a deeper level.  Derived from the French word “clair,” meaning “clear,” these senses encompass clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), and claircognizance (clear knowing), among others.  Understanding these abilities not only opens a window into a world of heightened perception but also provides a deeper connection to the spiritual realms.



  1. Claircognizant:  Clear knowing. You experience claircognizance (clear knowing) when you just suddenly know something to be true, even though you didn’t see it, hear it or feel it. You just know it. It’s a stroke of instant insight or a download of information that needs no processing or interpretation. Claircognizance can be experienced as an idea or unrelenting thought, much like the persistent awareness that someone is lying to you when you have no physical evidence of it. This is closely related to intuition, or “gut feeling”. And guess what… we are ALL intuitive (some just use it and some don’t because the ego mind is too “big”. Overtime, paying attention to how the insight comes into your awareness will help you distinguish the difference between this clair sense and others.


  1. Clairaudient:  Clear hearing. If you are clairaudient (clear hearing), you are able to perceive sounds, words or noise from the spiritual or ethereal realm. Someone is clairaudient if they mainly receive their intuitive information with their inner or outer hearing. You actually hear an energetic phenomena or imprint in your inner ear (in your mind, let’s say) or externally; you hear a voice. Most physic phenomena occurs when we are open to receiving; when the mind is calm ad sets an intention. This is why some meditate; to calm the mind and allow for receiving without clutter and ego. The state you are in during meditation is also the state the mind and body goes into when you are falling asleep or just waking up; theta sleep. You may think you can hear a voice or even see a face right when you are falling asleep. That IS spirit, and it IS because you are being visited—most likely by an Angel, guide, loved one, or even an ascended master. Remember that we are all connected by love and Oneness, and if you are a clairvoyant, you will have more spiritual experiences. That love and the openness to step back into your true nature as an energetic being creates this possibility. Isn’t this so beautiful!? But - it is goo to have boundaries. If you ever had heard a voice in the past, it was purely guidance to get you to understand this part of yourself; your psychic abilities! Always guided!


  1. Clairvoyant:  Clear seeing. A clairvoyant (clear seeing) receives extrasensory impressions and symbols in the form of mental images through their mind’s eye (third eye). You may be clairvoyant if you experience vivid dreams, visions, mental images and mini-movies that flash into your inner awareness. You may be able to see the colors of the energy fields (auras) around people, plants, and animals, or perhaps you are able to see angels, ghosts, or other beings. You may be energetically capable to clearly receive through clairvoyance if you are a visual person, can easily visualize solutions to problems, are artistic and creative, or have a vast and extraordinary imagination. A clairvoyant may have the ability to see the future (precognition), to clarify and illuminate the present (most common) and see the past (postcognition). These are also known as psychic visions. This is one of the most common clair senses, and most people receive and assume it is imagination! By the way - if you are clairvoyant, I personally believe you are also a highly effective manifestor, since manifesting is all about visualizing what you want in life in your mind!


  1. Clairsentient:  Clear feeling. This entails feeling a person's or spirit's emotions or feeling another person’s or spirit’s physical pain. Many of us are clairsentient without consciously being aware of it. When we get a strong "gut" feeling, positive or negative, about someone we just met or when we get the "chills" for no apparent reason, we may be tuning into the emotional energy of a person or a spirit around us. Have you ever had a phone call coming in but you just dreaded picking up? Your energy shifted into negative emotions, and you assumed you just didn’t want to speak to the person? Later, you go to find out they called you in the midst of crisis and they were calling you to vent. You were energetically feeling their emotions! This happens all of the time, since we ARE energetic beings and energetic communication is ingrained in all of us. Sometimes in a reading I will feel the energy of the person (living or passed) and the emotions will create actual tears, but they are not mine. That is another example. Equally—when I do readings for those here on earth from those who had past away, I receive pain in my body associated with the death of that individual. It’s a way of understanding and receiving. The pain fades, as all pain is just energy anyways, but it is coming to me in this manner with great purpose. Maybe I wouldn’t have been able to see clearly, or the person wasn’t able to hear what I’m seeing in my mind’s eye, due to trauma. It comes through in a manner aligned with their greatest good.


  1. Clairgustant:  Clear tasting. This is similar to the above (clairalience). This is the ability to taste something that isn't actually there. This experience oftentimes comes from out of the blue when a deceased loved one is attempting to communicate a memory or association we have with a particular food or beverage that reminds us of them. If we have a heightened sense of taste, this would make us natural chefs, bakers or food critics.


  • Clairempathy: Clear emotion. You have clairempathy (clear emotion) if you sense other people’s emotions, thoughts and symptoms. It is the awareness or perception of emotional energy. We communicate on so many levels other than through language and visual ques. We communicate through energy. As an empath, this can become confusing and intertwined with something that feels like your own, but very much is not, so it’s important to recognize if you are an empath, so you may start separating what is yours or another’s.  Are you fine one minute and next - you feel such anger and have intrusive thoughts (thoughts which are not your own) and have no clue why? Others are communicating with your through energy. Empaths need self-care and psychic protection techniques to successfully manage their empathic nature and shield themselves from energetic overload. A skilled empath knows how to maintain spiritual boundaries, replenish energy and clear unwanted negative energy from their auric field. The difference between clairempathy and clairsentience is that empaths sense the emotion (and unfortunately sometimes assume it is theirs) whereas sentients experience the emotion. Empaths sense the energy, but sentients feel the energy.


  • Clairalient: Clear smelling. This is being able to smell odors that don't have any kind of physical source. Instances of this could include smelling the perfume or the cigarette smoke of a deceased relative, used as a sign of their presence around us. When our sense of smell is strong and distinct, we may find that certain smells connect us to past memories, and this is what this sense is used for most. We will receive through this clair to feel an experience, and this sense intertwines with all other senses to relay a message or information.


  • Clairtangent:  Clear Touch. This clair is also known as psychomtry—which is the ability to receive information through touch. One places an object in the hand and reads (or receives) information via the other clair senses from the energy of the object. Remember - everything has energy and energy cannot be destroyed but only changed. Objects hold intentions. If you think of the fact that one purchases a Buddha statue with an intention to meditate to and align, that is intention. That statue takes on that energy. In a reading, the clairvoyant may pick up on the moments around the intention for the individual (deceased or living) choosing to purchase this statue. They may pick up on the energy of what this statue brought them in life, what emotions and lessons were created. By holding this state, the clairvoyant may pick up on experiences as well as the owner’s energy—even unrelated to the statue.




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Most recent revision March 28, 2025 06:59:35 AM