One of the popular reasons to use food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide
is to gargle with diluted hydrogen peroxide.
As with any grade of hydrogen peroxide – 35% hydrogen peroxide,
12% hydrogen peroxide, or 3% hydrogen peroxide – you should be
careful not to swallow any of the solution.
Are there any scientific studies backing up the use of hydrogen
peroxide as a mouthwash? According to the Australian Dental
Journal, using a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide
mouthwash over long periods of time is a safe practice. Rinsing your
mouth with an H2O2 solution helps to kill off
bacteria without damaging teeth or gums.
There is also evidence that 3% food grade hydrogen
peroxide can be good for keeping your toothbrush free from
germs. One study found that 3% hydrogen peroxide was
an effective toothbrush disinfectant. In fact, the hydrogen
peroxide was more effective than commercially-produced
dental products.
When gargling with hydrogen peroxide, it is important to make
sure and not swallow any of the solution, even if the food grade
hydrogen peroxide solution is less than 3%.
Doctors in 2017 reported on a case of a woman complaining about
gastritis and colitis which was the result of swallowing 3% hydrogen
peroxide. Although a 3% H2O2 solution is
generally regarded as nontoxic, doctors advise against
ingesting it.
Let’s look at some ways you can safely use 3% hydrogen peroxide
to keep your mouth free from germs and bacteria.
How to rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide
You can easily make a hydrogen peroxide gargle at home to help
kill off germs from your mouth.
To safely gargle with hydrogen peroxide you will need to start
with a bottle of food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide. You should be able
to find this in your local drugstore. This is how to gargle with the
peroxide mouthwash:
- Dilute 1-part 3% hydrogen peroxide with 2-parts water. This
will give you a low concentration of 1% hydrogen peroxide.
- Take a small mouthful of the hydrogen peroxide mouthwash,
and swish around your mouth for 60 seconds. Then spit out.
Gargling with hydrogen peroxide can help whiten teeth
You may find that regularly using a low concentration of hydrogen
peroxide (less than 3%) will result in having whiter, brighter
Research from 2014 on the teeth-whitening effect of 1.5%
hydrogen peroxide found that it can act as a bleaching agent
on teeth. The research found that the hydrogen peroxide
solution lightened teeth. The solution was used for 4
minutes a day for 28 days.
One study from 2015 found that the best results from using
hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth is to use the solution over a few
months. Researchers found that hydrogen peroxide helps to break down
darkened molecules that can cause teeth to lose their white color.
You can combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to
whiten your teeth.
Gargling with hydrogen peroxide helps to cure a sore throat
Because hydrogen peroxide even at 3% concentrations has an
antibacterial effect, gargling with hydrogen peroxide
can also help cure a sore throat.
You should make your hydrogen peroxide gargle for a sore throat
with a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution. For this, you should mix 1
part of 3% food hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and 2
parts of water. Gargle for up to 60 seconds, taking care not to
swallow any of the solution.
If you have trouble gargling or you have young children who have
a sore throat, you should use a salt gargle instead. This will
prevent any irritation to your esophagus by inadvertently swallowing
the peroxide solution.
Here are the instructions to make your own saline gargle to break
up mucus in your throat and help kill off throat infections.
- Dissolve ½ to 1 teaspoon of salt in an 8-oz. glass of warm
- Gargle the salt solution 3 or 4 times a day to help soothe
the pain and irritation at the back of your mouth.
For added effect, you could add a teaspoon of turmeric to help
the infection clear quicker.
Gargling with hydrogen peroxide keeps your mouth free of
Using a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash to gargle can be part of your
daily dental routine to keep your breath fresh and mouth free from
Dentists say that good oral health requires reducing levels of
harmful bacteria in your mouth. Bacteria can lead to the
buildup of plaque and is one of the leading causes of gum disease.
The International Journal of Dental Hygiene published
the results of studies on using hydrogen peroxide mouthwashes. A
systematic review of over 220 medical articles found that rinsing
your mouth with hydrogen peroxide helps to reduce plaque and
prevent gingivitis (gum disease).